About us

Education programmes

  • Basic education program.
  • Humanitarian and social direction of the program of the basic education.
  • The general pre-school education program.
  • Special needs education program.

The collective

Acting director - Elvīra Aizupe

In the field of education – Ināra Lazdiņa

extracurricular work – Iluta Sustenberga

S.Y. 2015/2016: 

There are: 66 students,

in pre-school group – 9 children,

14 teachers and 10 technical assistants work  here.

Development directions for the period 2015-2020 

The school with the education acquired by students allows successfully to continue learning.

Priority – education, provided by good teachers, a modern learning environment, technology, interested and creative students and teachers.

(School, where to understand each other, to cooperate and express yourself)

Values: joy, respect, responsibility, work, the love for your fatherland.